Wednesday, May 23, 2012

SEA LIFE Celebrates Turtle Fest

SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium will be celebrating Turtle Fest May 23rd- June 8th with TURTALLY awesome events throughout the aquarium starting today!

To kick-off Turtle Fest, our team will be giving Oyster, one of SEA LIFE's two Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, her annual physical. In honor of Turtle Fest, SEA LIFE wants to make sure that Oyster is in spectacular health by getting her blood work, weighing and measuring her to see how much she has grown, and checking her eyes and mouth to make sure she can live a long lasting life. 

Turtle Tidbits: Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles are the most endangered species in the world. 

Come into SEA LIFE Minnesota to celebrate Turtle Fest with our terrific turtles. 
Guests can purchase discounted admission tickets to SEA LIFE Minnesota for $9.99 ( regularly $19.99 +tax ) at $1.00 will be donated to The Turtle Hospital in Florida for every ticket purchased. Our TURTALLY awesome events will include a turtle quiz trail with turtle-related trivia along with an up close and personal look at a Sea Turtle's annual check up! Look out for more Turtle Tidbits in future posts.