Dwarf Sea Horses are the smallest Sea Horse in the world, but are they the tiniest creatures swimming around Sea Horse Kingdom at SEA LIFE Minnesota? More information about the newest addition to the Sea Horse family will be revealed later this week.
Our amazing Sea-STAR of the week is the Dwarf Seahorse,
the slowest moving fish in the world, with a top speed of only 5 feet per hour! Don't let their cute size and slow speed fool you, they are actually very intelligent. Our Dwarf Seahorses are kept in small aquariums and fed with delicious
brine shrimp, although they also like to feed on copepods and other shrimp
larvae. Dwarf Seahorses must be fed continuously throughout the day because of their small size.
Guests and staff alike enjoy watching them as they float around and link to different plants with their long tails. They spend a majority of their time dancing around the tank and courting the opposite sex.
STAY TUNED to SEA LIFE Minnesota's Blog and Facebook page for a
tiny surprise about the newest addition to Sea Horse Kingdom.